
July 2024 Newsletter

Greetings from not-so-sunny Michigan. We are now on Bois Blanc Island and today we start VBS for the children here. We are grateful that Grace Chapel Waterford MI will run the program this week. Let’s pray together that God has His way in the hearts of the ones attending and also with the group. Lots of young people to be molded by the Holy Spirit in serving our Lord.

June was a great month for ANM overseas. God opened lots of doors for us to serve and to bless others with His love. We only can say wow: what a tremendous blessing to be serving our great God. Giuseppe C received a great encouragement in Cefalu’ where in 1975 he was baptized in the Mediterranean Sea. At a conference and fellowship there someone shared that because of Giuseppe, he was there as a Christian. Lots of tears from Pasqualino’s testimony were shed between the two of them and others in attendance.  

You will never know here what your testimony can do by simply sharing His gospel. In heaven, we will find out of the many that their lives were changed because you allowed the Holy Spirit to use you for God’s glory.

So often today we find that we can help small churches with what God has gifted us on evangelism. Daniel M. from north Italy asked us to help with literature that Giuseppe C received from Germany in many languages, lots in Italian naturally. Just think how God has blessed us! We received a pallet in January worth at least $10,000 at fraction of the actual cost, free for evangelizing anywhere we find ourselves. Two more churches also benefitted because you are giving to His work in Italy and beyond. Our two Nigerian pastors also benefitted from that. Praise God. And we do remember you in our prayers for the effectual work of Him in you. Together We Can.

Please remember that we sent literature to the Republic of Ireland to our brother Issa. With him, Giuseppe participated in a large church in Palermo at a conference to reach Muslims, titled “Building Bridges, Destroying Walls.” His gospel is in effect in many places as we proclaim it 2Corinthians 2:14-15.

The small church in Scordia Sicily was and is of great encouragement for us for their desire to evangelize the town and surrounding area. When they found out that Giuseppe C was coming to visit them, they were so eager, even to the point of changing Sunday’s meet to Monday. Wow!! But G changed and visited on Sunday after having preached the previous Wednesday there. In Sicily, you always have to be prepared. And then most of the church goes out for pizza. Lots of sharing and more photos that you can find on Facebook under ANM.

We look forward after seeing what God is continuously doing when we obey Him. God’s faithfulness continues as we are in the 20th year of ministry overseas. Like Joshua says: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Our heartfelt thank you to God and to you in being used with your loving kindness in our lives. We rejoice in the many that have been impacted by His gospel. God is good. God bless you for all you do for Him.

Serving together, Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more for the One.
Ciao for now.