
January 2025 Newsletter

January 2025 Newsletter
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Greetings from the “tundra”! Very cold temperatures in Michigan and not much snow. Christmas was a green Christmas in Virginia with part of our family, then repeated again in Michigan with the rest of the family. We pray and hope that your Christmas was a blessing as it was for us. In the new year, we look forward to applying our call from our Lord to touch and reach one more for the One.

As you know, we do supply a couple of groups that serve in two prisons in the Catania area, and lives are transformed with the power of the blood of Jesus. We have received thank you notes from the team doing the outreach and also letters from the inmates thanking us for the help received through the months. Here is a testimony from one of them:

Written by Provvidenza (Providence), a woman now in jail going on the 7th month:

“I found myself in jail because of my husband being associated with a criminal organization. It has been a nightmare for me to be here and away from my family in the outside. I got to meet and know Alessandro (a believer sharing the gospel with a team from outside). He has been a great help, not only psychologically but also bringing the gospel to me. This has helped me during this nightmare here in prison. My desire is to return home to be the mom I used to be. He has encouraged me to stay the course and trust in the Lord. With God’s help, I will be able to be steadfast and follow through to be the daughter that He desires for me to be. Today I pass
my time here reading the Bible that was given to me and other material through the generosity of Alessandro and Act Now Ministries. Thank you for the toiletries and more. Even toys for my kids. God has initiated a great work in me and with your prayers He will take it to the end. Thank you.”

There will be a couple more to come so that you will know how God can transform souls in places that sometimes are forgotten.

We thank the volunteers that are doing a lot in Sicily and beyond. Our family is doing fine and we are thankful to the Lord for the many blessings. There are few requests to pray for the coming months:

A time of encouraging through preaching and teaching in the north part of Italy; at least four churches will come together in the fall and desire for us to help them.

Then there is a big one: The Kenya Church Project (that’s the name so far). The plan is to build a church and meeting place for about 130 new believers, and to provide water on the site so that it can be readily available without traveling far for it.

Thank you for praying. What’s impossible for man is Possible for God.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one soul for the One.
Serving together, Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano

Pres. Act Mow Ministries
God bless you.