April 2024 Newsletter

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4. These words were penned long ago by the apostle Paul, who gives us reason for the season. Greetings to you all from Virginia as we have visited our daughter’s family there for Easter. It was time to reconnect and spend Easter for the first time together in many years.
Giuseppe and family are doing fine. March was planned so that Giuseppe went through foot surgery — a long process for healing since March 8. Before that, the Collesanos were able to visit the Gasporra family in WA State — a time of fellowship and sharing about the future ahead. Great time after last time the Gasporras visited in Michigan a few years back. God is good.
As we reflect and evaluate what’s been going on, we are thankful seeing others grow in the Lord. Just a couple of examples: Mark and Pino are always hungry for the Word of God. We are still in the New Testament; Paul’s letter to the Philippians and Galatians. Lots of interaction and questions arise every time. Also for them, the discovery of different styles of churches around them that strengthens their faith as they heard the Gospel through Giuseppe.
God is good to see that once the Good Seed is planted, we experience the growth in other people’s lives. Thanks for your part in praying for these hungry souls. Progress has been slow and somewhat painful at times; Giuseppe wouldn’t suggest it to anyone unless needed. To be waited upon seems fancy but the constraint of only going around the house for almost three weeks is almost unbearable yet necessary for healing — especially in preparation for his return to Sicily April 8. God is good on that.
During this long period, we at ANM were able to help in the Palermo feeding program and the outreach to the souls that came for dinner on the 22nd of March. It was a blessing to receive a sweet note from Palermo saying: thank you for making it possible to have the dinner. Praise the Lord. Also, thank you for being part of it. At the same time, our volunteers in the Catania area are not falling asleep. They are putting to good use all the literature that we made available in February.
Part of that now is at work for outreach in two prisons in Catania. Also, we serve in two bases near Giuseppe’s residence: a Navy base and a NATO base where there is always a necessity to reach out to the many European nations represented there. In time and out of time, the Word of God is active but you and us are needed to take it to the utmost parts of the earth. God is good and will accomplish much with each one of us getting involved according to His will for our lives.
Please continue to pray for Giuseppe as he continues healing and getting ready to fly back soon. Thank you. We hope that you had a blessed Easter and renewed strength to continue serving our Lord. We always think of you in our prayers and thank our Lord for your faithfulness in serving alongside ANM.
God bless you.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more for the One.
Serving together our Risen Saviour and Lord.
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
Ciao for now.