
Click Here for July 2019 Newsletter PDF

Greetings partners and friends of the ministry of Act Now Ministries:

All is well here in upstate Michigan. There is time to relax and time to dedicate on the upkeep of the cottage that we inherited a couple of years ago. After the last trip to Sardinia and reconnecting with some of the churches there, a trip to be reunited with my family was long overdue.

We hope that your summer is going well — for some very hot; for us, with lots of storms in the north of Michigan. Even being away for a while, the apartment in Sicily has been of good use. You may remember Giuseppe asked a few months back to pray for the Castronuovo family, with whom they were able to spend two weeks in Sicily praying and looking for a location to serve with us there. God blessed us during their visit. Please continue to pray for them and for God’s will in their lives.

It was great to worship with the Chapel family on the island this past Sunday. By the time you receive this newsletter, Giuseppe will have preached and shared at the Chapel on August 4th. We ask to pray for us during this time of rest and recharge for Giuseppe and family, especially for Giuseppe who does not like to rest much!

Thank you for your love and support for us at Act Now Ministries.

Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano, serving together.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for One more for The One .
God bless you.
Ciao for now.