

Sicily Background



Giuseppe & Pennie Collesano
Giuseppe & Pennie Collesano

Giuseppe was born and raised in Castelbuono, Sicily (province of Palermo), in a Catholic family. He went to church only for holidays, baptisms, etc., until his First Communion when the Priest told him that he was now a soldier for Christ. He never set foot in the church again because he had no desire to hear about a God who was going to punish him by sending him to hell. He was afraid of death, and he was scared of the Christ that was up on the crucifix.

When he was 19, the first two believers that told him about the gospel befriended him. He kept listening to them until he ventured into a small meeting room in his hometown where people there studied the Bible and who could explain it to him. He became a regular attendee but still had doubts about what the missionaries were teaching. One night, on his way home after getting into a fight with his 2 best friends, he decided to find out for himself whether or not what the missionaries were saying was the truth. He found a Bible that his father had brought home from Germany one Christmas and began reading it for himself.

The Holy Spirit spoke to his heart, and he broke down crying and told God that if He was who the Bible said he was that he wanted him to take over his life because he couldn’t go on any longer the way he was living. In a split second, God came into his heart, and his life was changed. So now what? He asked. He and his 2 buddies decided that they would have to be the ones to tell the others in their town that they had found the truth and thus started his quest to evangelize his countrymen. Two years after he was saved, he went to study in Rome at the Italian Bible Institute; 1978-1980… Read More



For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed – a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

Christians Standing on the Beach

In cooperation with the local churches and also:

  • To preserve fellowship and mutual recognition of all evangelical Christian churches, acknowledging their complete autonomy with regards to internal matters;
  • Establish and coordinate the reinforcement of social and religious projects and institutions having as their goals evangelism, instruction and diffusion of the evangelical culture, assistance and charity;
  • Encourage the planting of new local churches in Italy;
  • Entertain and maintain positive relationships with other national and international religious organizations.
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries1 day ago
Good morning . Buongiorno .
Love . The essence of God in human words explains to us the strength found in His love . Only through love we can also bear the most difficult circumstances of life. Recently we have seen that most of the countries are divided by hate , love unite . It seems that people believe more in lies rather than the truth. The more you say a lie the more believable it becomes. Believe in the Truth , Jesus Is the Truth . He is also our Only Hope , because He is a Living Hope . All of us should remember that He endured the punishment for our sins . Today which is the first day of the week , let us be mindful that He rose from the dead and He is coming back for His own . Don’t be left behind . He paid the price for you . Because He Loves You .
God bless you .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries4 days ago
Good morning . Some more Sicily photos .
I am in Scordia in these , one hour away from Belpasso . Provided literature for evangelism. Shared His Word with the church. Then we had a great time of fellowship . Scordia is one of the many churches that we are helping to outreach the lost in Sicily and Italy .
Thanks for your prayers .
God bless you .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries5 days ago
Buongiorno. Good morning .
The Bible , the bestseller of books of all time . Most people keep it on shelves collecting dust ; when it should be read and reread . It is God word to us about His will , His good will for us . To make you and me Complete . Are you a man of God ? To God your goodness is no good, you good intentions are no good , your sin for sure is no good . Without God in Your life , basically you’re no good .
Romans 3:23 explains it clearly .
1John 1:8-9 gives us the solution to man problem . Alongside John3:16 .
If you do not have eternal life you have No life. That is the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins . He made the first move toward us ; the second move , up to us . Move toward Him and be saved .
God bless you .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries6 days ago
God is good .
Thank you Grace Chapel Waterford for sending a great team here on Bois Blanc Island for VBS.
A fifth grader accepted the Lord as her personal saviour this past week . Also thank you for being a blessing to all of us and completing three projects.
Wow !!!
God bless you all .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries1 week ago
VBS on Bois Blanc Island Michigan . The group from Grace Chapel setting up the stage for a great time with the kids that Gid will bring to us .
Thank you for your prayers .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries2 weeks ago
Good morning . This is the Coast Guard Chapel where this big room will be changed for the VBS program this week . We pray for the group that is coming from Grace Chapel Waterford to minister to the children here. We ask you to join in prayer with us everyday this week .
God bless you .